Trees Implementation

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Trees Implementation


3 min read

class Tree {

    data class Node(val value: Int) {
        var leftNode: Node? = null
        var rightNode: Node? = null

    var rootNode: Node? = null

    fun insert(value: Int) {
        val newNode = Node(value)
        if (rootNode == null) {
            rootNode = newNode
        var current = rootNode
        while (true) {
            if (value < current!!.value) {
                // add to left.
                if (current.leftNode == null) {
                    current.leftNode = newNode
                current = current.leftNode
            } else {
                if (current.rightNode == null) {
                    current.rightNode = newNode
                current = current.rightNode

    fun contains(value: Int): Boolean {
        var current = rootNode
        while (current != null) {
            if (value < current.value) {
                current = current.leftNode
            } else if (value > current.value) {
                current = current.rightNode
            } else {
                return true
        return false

    fun traverseInOrder() {

    private fun traverseInorder(root: Node?) {
        // Traverse left recursively
        // Visit the root node.
        // Traverse the right node.
        if (root == null) {

    fun traversePreOrder() {

    private fun traversePreOrder(root: Node?) {
        // visit the root node.
        // traverse left recursively.
        // traverse right recursively.
        if (root == null) {     // base condition

    fun height(): Int {
        return height(rootNode)

    private fun height(root: Node?): Int {
        // Post order traversal.
        if (isEmpty()) {
            return -1
        if (root?.leftNode == null && root?.rightNode == null) { // base condition..
            return 0
        return 1 + Math.max(height(root.leftNode), height(root.rightNode))

    fun minValue(root: Node?): Int {
        // For binary tree..
        // Time Complexity O(n)
        if (root?.leftNode == null && root?.rightNode == null) {
            return 0;
        val left = minValue(root.leftNode)
        val right = minValue(root.rightNode)
        return Math.min(Math.min(left, right), root.value)

    fun minValueForBST(root: Node?): Int {
        // For Binary Search Tree.
        // Time Complexity O(logn) as we are narrowing down our search
        // by only searching for left nodes.
        if (isEmpty()) {
            throw IllegalStateException()
        var current = rootNode
        var last = current
        while (current != null) {
            last = current
            current = current.leftNode
        return last?.value!!

    fun equal(other: Tree): Boolean {
        return equals(rootNode, other.rootNode)

    private fun equals(firstNode: Node?, secondNode: Node?): Boolean {
        // Preorder traversal.
        if (firstNode == null && secondNode == null) {
            return true
        if (firstNode != null && secondNode != null) {
            return firstNode.value == secondNode.value
                    && equals(firstNode.leftNode, secondNode.leftNode)
                    && equals(firstNode.rightNode, secondNode.rightNode)
        return false

    fun isBinarySearchTree(): Boolean {
        return isBinarySearchTree(rootNode!!, Int.MIN_VALUE, Int.MAX_VALUE)

    private fun isBinarySearchTree(root: Node, min: Int, max: Int): Boolean {
        if (isEmpty()) {
            return true
        if (root.value < min || root.value > max)
            return false
        return isBinarySearchTree(root.leftNode!!, min, root.value - 1)
                && isBinarySearchTree(root.leftNode!!, root.value + 1, max)

    fun printNodesAtDistance(distance: Int) {
        printNodesAtDistance(rootNode, distance)

    private fun printNodesAtDistance(root: Node?, distance: Int) {
        if (root == null) {
        if (distance == 0) {
        printNodesAtDistance(root.leftNode, distance - 1)
        printNodesAtDistance(root.rightNode, distance - 1)

    private fun traverseLevelOrder() {
        for (i in 0 until height()) {

    private fun isEmpty(): Boolean = rootNode == null
